Need September marketing ideas?

September Marketing Themes and Ideas

Kids are back in school, and adults are back to business. Don’t miss this opportunity to market your business.

September brings students, sales, and new marketing ideas. Here are some creative marketing ideas to promote your business this September!

Do you have student discounts?

Run student discounts, a back-to-school promotional week, or offer back-to-school themed products. This is a great time to generate buzz on social media or by partnering with student organizations for events.

As September marks the start of the school year, many consumers are receptive to starting new things—like your customer loyalty program! If you don’t already have one, take the time to create a customer loyalty program to encourage repeat business and improve customer retention. It can be as easy as creating a punch card toward a free or discounted product or service or just asking customers for their mobile number.


Football Season 🏈

Of course, one of the most popular reasons for the season: football! Football is here, which means it’s the perfect opportunity to engage with your consumer base and market through the sport they love. See how you can integrate the football theme into your marketing strategy and connect with customers.


Celebrate September birthdays 🎉

Everyone should get something for their birthday! Reward a customer on their birthday with a great offer on their special day or select a day in the month to celebrate all birthdays in Septembers.  

September Holidays your business can participate in

Do any of these resonate with your business and audience? With a little creative thinking you can find away your business can have a little fun with most of these days. If not see full list of daily holidays in September and find the ones you want to promote on social media and in your business.


Full list of Holidays in September

September 1

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

September 8

September 9

September 10

September 11

September 12

September 13

September 14

September 15

September 16

September 17

September 18

September 19

September 20

September 21

September 22

September 23

September 24

September 25

September 26

September 27

September 28

September 29

September 30


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