SMS delivering much more than sales for your business

There is a very common misconception that SMS is all about selling and sales. To which there is no denying that selling through SMS can be very powerful, with its immense open rates of 98%, and its ability to be able to mass send out a campaign containing a URL link to a website or specific product, can yield fantastic results that no other channel can.

However, SMS is helping businesses in many more ways than just getting in those sales.

Any and every business can use SMS to help grow and improve their business, depending on the sector or what their issue or problem is that needs to be solved, SMS can be the answer. Whether that be helping with internal communication or improving customer service, SMS really can do it all.

Business SMS – Different ways to use SMS to help your business

Improving your customer service
Customer service is imperative to any business, keeping your customers happy and responding to any questions or issues as quickly as possible will help keep customers happy. Let customers text you to request a support call, rather than them spend time on hold getting frustrated. 

SMS appointment reminders
Appointment reminders save businesses millions every year by reducing the amount of no-shows and missed opportunities. A very timely SMS reminder is incredibly effective in making sure customers remember key times and dates.

Improving customer experience
Customer experience is the hot topic of 2019, it is imperative for any business and businesses are now trying to find ways to improve and start to become the industry leaders in customer experience.

Delivery notifications
One way to certainly improve your customer experience is through delivery notifications, keeping your customers in the loop is a sure way to make them feel happy and confident that they are engaging with the right business. 

Updates and renewals
Keeping your customers informed about what is on the horizon so they can prepare and take action if needed, is a great way to show that your business is prepared and organized. Instilling confidence and also giving you a chance to up-sell and get renewals.

Getting your customer’s feedback and opinions about your services, products or business, is a great way to establish areas that you need to improve on and areas where you are exceeding. To build and develop your business, it’s important to always look for areas to improve.

And of course marketing and promotions
SMS is fantastic for bringing in mass sales and promoting events or services. It’s instant and with mobile payment developments, it makes buying items through your smartphone a breeze.

There are hundreds of areas that SMS can help improve for your business, if you would like to discuss how it can help your business, please do get in touch

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