Frequently Asked Questions
10X Interactive is a premiere text message marketing company. Call us today to help you maximize your companies exposure with mobile marketing to bring in a wave of new business!
10X Interactive is a premiere text message marketing company. Call us today to help you maximize your companies exposure with mobile marketing to bring in a wave of new business!
Once you setup a keyword, you can have customers text that keyword to your number to subscribe to that list. Unlike most companies, you’ll be assigned your own texting number (not a shared number) so your keywords will ALL be available to you. Keywords allow you to create custom groups to target your fans with messages that are most relevant to them.
There is an exception of course with reserved keywords such as STOP, START and HELP.
YES, with our 10X Platform you can send up to 1,500 characters in one message. For every 160 characters sent our system will count it as 1 credit. Your fans receiving your messages will just see 1 message which makes it a great user experience. We don’t recommend sending messages over 400 characters. Keep your messages short and to the point & include a call to action.
YES, your contacts can reply to any message that you send. You can also receive a message at anytime someone sends a text to your phone number assigned to your account. We can even use your existing landline phone number.
YES, you can go to SMS Chat and see all responses and reply to individuals. You may also set up a generic reply in your profile settings.
Creating more conversations with your fans will build your business.
No, each campaign filters out double sending. Therefore you will not be charged for sending multiple times and the end user will only receive one text per campaign.
Nearly every cellular phone in use in the world can receive text messages. Most wireless carriers include text messaging in their standard plans.
No. As text messaging is a store-and-forward technology that is dependent on carriers and their networks, it is impossible to guarantee delivery of a text message.
YES, it’s very easy. Instead of selecting a group of contacts, enter a single telephone number & look up their name in contacts when you compose your message.
If your recipient uses a pre-paid mobile phone service, his or her balance may be too low (assuming he or she pays for incoming text messages). Other reasons may include (but are not limited to): a recipient’s phone being out of memory, a recipient’s phone being out of network, or an incorrectly typed number. When sending a blast message to a large group of contacts carriers may block a few messages as spam and not deliver the message.
Yes. We charge you one credit every time our system sends a text message on your behalf, as we are charged every time we pass your message through our SMS gateway.
No, 10X has a strict opt-in subscription policy. The contact information you upload must come from your own customer database. In other words, only people who have voluntarily opted in may be a part of your distribution lists.