To Our Loyal Clients
and Small Businesses Nationwide:
We know that, as members of the communities you serve, businesses like yours may be experiencing unexpected challenges due to COVID-19, widely known as coronavirus or novel coronavirus. And we’re committed to providing as much support for your small business as possible.
Our priority here at PostcardMania is to keep everyone safe and informed about the recent outbreak of COVID-19 — all from a perspective that is unique to small businesses.
Read on and bookmark this page to stay up to date on developments that are unique to you.
Should I keep my business growth plans on track?
Should I keep marketing?
Unless you’re shuttering your business due to COVID-19 (for example, you’re in the travel industry), then you should absolutely continue marketing your business and stay the course on any planned growth and expansion.
In fact, the U.S. Small Business Administration has published this guidance in regards to marketing:
“It’s critical to communicate openly with your customers about the status of your operations, what protective measures you’ve implemented, and how they (as customers) will be protected when they visit your business. Promotions may also help incentivize customers who may be reluctant to patronize your business.”– US SBA
In fact, carrying on with business (in a smart and vigilant fashion), offers three sizeable advantages:
Advantage 1: You’re communicating a steady, measured hand to customers and prospects that lets them know your business is open, coping and remains a reliable option to turn to.
Advantage 2: Competitors may be pulling back, which creates an opportunity to step up and step in.
Advantage 3: By continuing operations, you’re contributing to an economic recovery.
As small business owners, we have the final say on the impact our businesses make. We aren’t powerless, and we shouldn’t feel that way, despite what the headlines may say.
It’s our choice — are we going to step up or step aside and wait to see what happens?
What part does my small business play in all this?
Of course, the answer to this question is ultimately up to you, the business owner.
The way we see it, you have two options:
Option 1: Hunker down, wait this out and rely on reserves to sustain you, your family and your business.
If this is your choice and “it’s better to be safe than sorry” is your motive, we respect your decision and sincerely hope you haven’t come to that conclusion lightly or through “panic coverage” played out through the media 24/7, but through serious research and thorough consideration of all options.
It is worth noting that the CDC does not recommend that businesses shut down due to COVID-19 fears. (More on the CDC recommendations below.)
Option 2: Do your research, adhere to CDC workplace guidance, stay vigilant, keep calm and carry on.
The CDC’s official COVID-19 guidance for businesses and employers includes these measures:
- Actively encourage sick employees to stay home.
- Do not require a healthcare provider’s notes for employees who are sick to return to work.
- Separate sick employees and send them home immediately, should they become sick during the work day.
- Emphasize practicing good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene among all staff.
- Perform routine environmental cleanings.
- Create a plan to handle a possible COVID-19 outbreak.
We strongly encourage you to read the CDC’s full guidelines for business owners . Again, the CDC does not recommend that businesses shut down due to COVID-19.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) also offers guidance for how businesses should respond to COVID-19. Yet again, they do not recommend closing.
And don’t forget:
Small businesses like mine and yours — which make up 99% of all private independent enterprises in the country — play a vital role in keeping our economy on track.
While the stock market is susceptible to fears and emotion, everyday businesses like ours actually keep the gears of this nation turning and keep food on the table for a majority of American families.
If the stock market is contracting, should we not pick up the slack to ensure our overall economy doesn’t collapse further?
If we can, we must.
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