10 Questions About Your Mobile Strategy
Your marketing strategy for the mobile space is essential to the future success of your business. Let’s take a look at ten questions that you should answer so your mobile strategy is as optimized and strong as possible.
1. Who Are You Targeting?
The mobile environment is slightly different from the desktop audience, because people are on the move when they are on their phones. Finding your target is essential to cut marketing costs and increasing overall ROI.
2. Where Are They?
Creating buyer personas is a great way to find out where your target audience is spending their time so you can reach them wherever they are.
3. What Are The Current Mobile Trends You Can Utilize?
Hardware invariably affects the way that people make purchases. Do your research to discover what the latest hardware trends are so that you can change your strategy accordingly.
4. How Do You Benefit Your Customers Most?
Your value add is the thought centerpiece of every piece of content you create on behalf of your product or service. Your message must be consistent and precise in order to cut through the noise of the Internet, and this message must center around your value add.
5. Who Are Your Competitors?
Sometimes you can get some of your best marketing ideas from your competition. It is actually quite a simple thing to spy on the keywords that your competitors are using and where they are focusing their marketing efforts. Do not discount this knowledge as essential to your mobile marketing strategy.
6. If You Have An App, Is It Necessary?
People only make purchases in the mobile space based on their current needs, not potential needs they may have in the future. They definitely aren’t thinking that far ahead. You need to make your app in demand to people in the very short term.
7. What Is The Right Placement For Your App?
Is your app better suited to web-based mobile apps or for native mobile? There are limits that come with each platform, and porting your app into different places can be time consuming and expensive. Pick the right store and platform from the beginning, and you will save costs and increase conversions tenfold.
8. Are You Local?
Although you have more reach than ever with digital technology, you are best served by focusing on your local audience, believe it or not. Localizing your keywords and your incentives is the best way to get that natural push that comes from organic support, regardless of platform.
9. Where Is Your True Profit?
As you market to your audience, you cannot forget where your true profit is. You may sell your initial product as a loss leader and make your money on the upsell. Make sure that your marketing reflects your actual strategy for profitability so that you can continue it without bringing in new funds constantly.
10. What Is Your Budget?
Unless you come into the mobile game with angel investors in tow, you will need to budget yourself from the beginning. It is always best to produce content and market at a level that you can sustain rather than blowing your entire budget on a single promotion. You may have to look a bit harder for a price conscious platform that appeals to your base, but it will be worth it in the long run.
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